NewYorkTimes 24/9 (22x24)

a collaboration between CCS Bard and Goethe Institut New York; Curator: Maria Lind Production: Bernd Krauß Strategic Media Manager: Mackenzie Schneider Screening Curator: Laura Barlow (both CCS Graduate Students. AMERICAN SOLDIER=MICHAEL THOMAS (for Theater Societaet)Contact:
the woman is lovely
which one
What’s that?
Which woman?
Oh yes
Are you still in?
Count me out
I’ll see you
Okay wait a moment
You ruin me with that sort of thing
You don’t have to play
I can’t stand the waiting
He’ll come
I want to go home
Shut your trap
These women...
Are you playing or not?
Okay then
I’ll take two
Okay thanks
He’s arrived
The earth is round
No, the earth’s a shere
My God, are you funny
And anyway you are far too thin
Are you a real American?
Americans fuck fantastically
It all began in Germany
Once upon a time, there was a little boy
He flew over the great pond
Damn it
Give that to me! Cheers
It’s okay
I think you’re great somehow
And anyway...
...if you want a fat girl...
...fat ones are a dime a dozen
I just happen to be slim
Shut your trap
Whatever you say
Okay, get out. Go on
We were going to a hotel
Look at me
Be nice to me
Beat it
...then give me some money
A hundred marks, and I’ll get out at once
I’m dead
They were just blanks
I’m in the picture. Thanks
There’s a room reserved for me
What was the name?
Richard Murphy
Oh yes?
That’s right. Room 36
How long will you be staying?
Do you have to know that?
No of course not
Room 36
I’ll carry that myself
He’s arrived
Thank you, Sir
Bring me a bottle of Ballantine’s
Yes, Sir
Put it down there
Something has to happen in this case
Is that clear
Thank you
Have you interrogated the gypsy?
This El Quitano?
We’ve had him shadowed
We’ve interrogated him endlessly
Nothing. Absolutely nothing
Bring him here. It’s ridiculous
This woman Magdalena
Fuller, Sir
That’s right
This Magdalena Fuller...
couldn’t you get anything out of her?
She’s as silent as the grave. Not a word
Strange. Normally, she’s more talkative
Anyway, keep things moving
And that’s an order
I hope I’ve made myself clear
You can go now
The percentage of capital crimes solved in this town... far below the national average
The reputation of the city’s police is at stake
I know, Sir
But the child’s yours!
Does the whole house have to hear?
I’m expecting a baby! I’m expecting a baby!
High time, too
Where are you going?
To the chief
We’ve just come from him
How did it go?
He knows nothing
Don’t let the cat out of the bag
A steak with ketchup and a glass of tomato juice
Come in
Come here
Bring me the wiskey
beat it
yes, sure.I’ll make a note of it
Tony el Quitano
That’s my buisness
Sure it’s always urgent
I’d like a number in Munich
The name is Franz Walsch
W for “war”, A for “Alamo”, L for”Lenin”
S for “Science fiction”, C for “Crime”...
...H for “Hell”
Thanks. I’ll wait
Who’ speaking?
Hi Franz
Richard von Rezzori here
I arrived last night
Sure. I’ll pick you up
See you soon
Were are you taking us
To our old neighborhood
How was it in Vietnam?
Oh Yeah?
Nothing happened here
Nothing ever happens in Germany
I’m rather fond of old Germany, all the same
Nothing changed here
Looks that way
Most of people here have died
Pretty unhealthy area
Just imagine
I lived here 14 years
I thought as much
Mr. von Rezzori and Mr. Walsch
Back from America
No just visiting
remember me to your mother
Come and see us again soon
I will Mrs Lang. You can count on it
I need someone who knows what’s going on, what deals are being made...
...where certain people can be found
There’s only one person who fits the bill
Her name is Magdalena
Where do I find her?
She always hangs around in the same bar selling porn
At the Lola Montez
That’s were Inga sings, too
Which Inga?
Your Inga
Were are you staying?
At the Blue House
If you need anything
Okay. I’m in the picture
Ballantine’s, straight
... without ice
I want to buy some porn
Over there
May I join there
handsome stranger. Sure
Need some information
I have some magazines
Don’t worry. I pay well
Five hundred
I’m looking for a gipsy
Tony el Quitano
Gypsy colony number one
Hangs out in the bar most of the time
There’s only one
Any special characteritics?
He reads people’s palms... a hard drinker... gay...
...keeps two gorillas
That’s enough
And what do you do?
I sing and...
I’m married
To him
We’re very happy together
Who was that?
You wouldn’t understand
You’re gypsies, aren’t you?
You can all read palms
That was long ago
Hardly anyone can today
He can. Tony, there
Show me
What do you see?
Very bad
Come here. I’ll tell you
I live upstairs
You don’t always have to believe in that sort of thing
What did you see?
He hasn’t long to live
I’m going
I want to be alone tonight
You can stay here
I thought you pay us to protect you
Nothing will happen tonight
Good night
Another round
Who’s there?
It’s me
Come in
Get me a woman, okay?
But something with class
What? In broad daylight?
He wants a whore
By all means. Certainly
Tirili, tirila
Shut up
Answer it!
Answer the damn thing
Just a moment
Who is it?
Just a woman?
The killer wants a woman
Okay. Get him one
Wait a minute
I’ll send you Rosa
In half an hour
What am I meant to do?
The killer wants a woman. Okay?
It’s better if you go
than if he blabs to someone else
I’m fond of you
That’s why
Get a move on
Leave that here
Come in
Get undressed
Go to the bathroom
Fortune isn’t always funny
There was a cleaning woman
in Hamburg called Emmy
She was 60 or 65 years old
One day...
on her way home,
it began to pour with rain she goes into a bar
where foreign workers hang out
and she sits down and drinks a cola
suddenly a man asks her...
to dance with him
A really big guy with broad shoulders
she finds him attractive...
...and dances with him
Afterwards he sits down...
...and talks with her
He tells her he doesn’t have a place to stay
So Emmy says he can go to her place
He goes to her place
and he sleeps with her...
and a few days later...
...he suggests they get married
And so they got married
Suddenly Emmy was all young again
From behind, she looked about 30
For six months they lived madly
and were incredibly happy
Life was one round of parties
Then one day
Emmy was found dead, murdered...
...with the marks of a signet ring
on her throat
The police arrested her husband
His name was Ali, and there had
been a letter A on the ring
But he said he had
lots of friends named Ali...
...and they all had a signet ring
They interrogated every Turk
in Hamburg called Ali
A lot had returned to Turkey
and the others didn’t understand
Magdalena Fuller
And what about the money?
You’ll be given, for the third assignment...
...$25,000, as agreed
Everything goes wrong
It won’t work. Something stinks about it
Pull yourself together
I can’t stand the tension
Pull yourself together
I’m not having you ruin everything
Shall we dine out together tomorrow
Wait a moment
Pierre, no! I want to serve you!
I’ll do whatever you want
I’ll kiss your feet, anything
Pierre, Ill kill myself!
No! You can’t leave me! Pierre!
I’ve given you everything!
I’m your slave, Pierre!
You swine!
You swine!
I loved you so much, Pierre
You look good
I’ll pick you up tomorrow
I’ll meet you at the Bologna
Thanks. Keep the change
Hello. Who’s that?
Mother, I’m in Germany
Yes I am. Okay
I’m on the corner. I’ll come by now
Yes of course
Come and see us
Ricky’s here
Why, Ma?
You’ve cut yourself
It’s time you grew up
You’ll stand by me, won’t you, Ma?
Nice place you have here
Your husband has moneyRickey?
Won’t you sit down?
Did you come through the war in one piece?
I’m okay, Mother
My son
Play a game with me
Give me some money!
It’s okay
What are you doing in Germany?
Buisness, Mother
How is your father?
i haven’t seen him for ages
My father lives in a different world
His friends... know...
...are all...
It wasn’t my scene
I must be going now
Ciao, Mother
Oh, Ma!
I still love him
Is that Bohm?
Marquard Bohm?
I want you to keep an eye on my son
His name’s Richard von Rezzori
Two related murders
And on the same day
There’s something fishy here
The Fuller woman said she wanted
to speak with me alone about the gypsy
Chief, that woman sold information
She probably thought the chief could
I’ve appointed a special commisioner
I’m taking the case out of your hands as of now
Thank you, that’s all. You can go
But I’m following a hot lead
If we have to drop the case now...
Okay between us, you can carry on
But I have a responsibility
to the public, too, you understand
Sure, chief. Thanks
There was an elephant... Belgium
Everyone loved it
Especially the kids
But it became quieter and quieter
And one day, it attacked its keeper
It trampled him to death
and smashed up the elephant house
It broke through an iron door
and trumpeted terribly
The police came and the fire departement...
...and shot the elephant dead
The vet said it had been lonely
Will you come to Japan with me?
Japan’s beautiful
We’ll meet on Friday at the station. Okay?
What does this mean?
I’m leaving you
I like him
The killer?
He’s nice
Okay. If you think so
Let me speak with the killer
Rosa von Praunheim
Arabella building. Appartement 226
What about the money?
the key’s at the tobacconist’s
see you next time round
how did you find my adress?
Let me in first
I thought we were meeting at the station
Is this your appartement
Are you Rosa von Praunheim?
Do you really believe
I’d have come to the station?
There’s no labor union for the work I do
If someone rats on me, I’m finished
Hello, Franz
I’m leaving from the main station
There may be trouble
Can you come, please?
Let’s say in an hour, near the lockers
See you
Mrs. von Rezzori, your son’s leaving today
From the station, in an hour
Hands up!
Drop your gun and put your hands up!
the woman is lovely
which one
What’s that?
Which woman?
Oh yes
Are you still in?
Count me out
I’ll see you
Okay wait a moment
You ruin me with that sort of thing
You don’t have to play
I can’t stand the waiting
He’ll come
I want to go home
Shut your trap
These women...
Are you playing or not?
Okay then
I’ll take two
Okay thanks
He’s arrived
The earth is round
No, the earth’s a shere
My God, are you funny
And anyway you are far too thin
Are you a real American?
Americans fuck fantastically
It all began in Germany
Once upon a time, there was a little boy
He flew over the great pond
Damn it
Give that to me! Cheers
It’s okay
I think you’re great somehow
And anyway...
...if you want a fat girl...
...fat ones are a dime a dozen
I just happen to be slim
Shut your trap
Whatever you say
Okay, get out. Go on
We were going to a hotel
Look at me
Be nice to me
Beat it
...then give me some money
A hundred marks, and I’ll get out at once
I’m dead
They were just blanks
I’m in the picture. Thanks
There’s a room reserved for me
What was the name?
Richard Murphy
Oh yes?
That’s right. Room 36
How long will you be staying?
Do you have to know that?
No of course not
Room 36
I’ll carry that myself
He’s arrived
Thank you, Sir
Bring me a bottle of Ballantine’s
Yes, Sir
Put it down there
Something has to happen in this case
Is that clear
Thank you
Have you interrogated the gypsy?
This El Quitano?
We’ve had him shadowed
We’ve interrogated him endlessly
Nothing. Absolutely nothing
Bring him here. It’s ridiculous
This woman Magdalena
Fuller, Sir
That’s right
This Magdalena Fuller...
couldn’t you get anything out of her?
She’s as silent as the grave. Not a word
Strange. Normally, she’s more talkative
Anyway, keep things moving
And that’s an order
I hope I’ve made myself clear
You can go now
The percentage of capital crimes solved in this town... far below the national average
The reputation of the city’s police is at stake
I know, Sir
But the child’s yours!
Does the whole house have to hear?
I’m expecting a baby! I’m expecting a baby!
High time, too
Where are you going?
To the chief
We’ve just come from him
How did it go?
He knows nothing
Don’t let the cat out of the bag
A steak with ketchup and a glass of tomato juice
Come in
Come here
Bring me the wiskey
beat it
yes, sure.I’ll make a note of it
Tony el Quitano
That’s my buisness
Sure it’s always urgent
I’d like a number in Munich
The name is Franz Walsch
W for “war”, A for “Alamo”, L for”Lenin”
S for “Science fiction”, C for “Crime”...
...H for “Hell”
Thanks. I’ll wait
Who’ speaking?
Hi Franz
Richard von Rezzori here
I arrived last night
Sure. I’ll pick you up
See you soon
Were are you taking us
To our old neighborhood
How was it in Vietnam?
Oh Yeah?
Nothing happened here
Nothing ever happens in Germany
I’m rather fond of old Germany, all the same
Nothing changed here
Looks that way
Most of people here have died
Pretty unhealthy area
Just imagine
I lived here 14 years
I thought as much
Mr. von Rezzori and Mr. Walsch
Back from America
No just visiting
remember me to your mother
Come and see us again soon
I will Mrs Lang. You can count on it
I need someone who knows what’s going on, what deals are being made...
...where certain people can be found
There’s only one person who fits the bill
Her name is Magdalena
Where do I find her?
She always hangs around in the same bar selling porn
At the Lola Montez
That’s were Inga sings, too
Which Inga?
Your Inga
Were are you staying?
At the Blue House
If you need anything
Okay. I’m in the picture
Ballantine’s, straight
... without ice
I want to buy some porn
Over there
May I join there
handsome stranger. Sure
Need some information
I have some magazines
Don’t worry. I pay well
Five hundred
I’m looking for a gipsy
Tony el Quitano
Gypsy colony number one
Hangs out in the bar most of the time
There’s only one
Any special characteritics?
He reads people’s palms... a hard drinker... gay...
...keeps two gorillas
That’s enough
And what do you do?
I sing and...
I’m married
To him
We’re very happy together
Who was that?
You wouldn’t understand
You’re gypsies, aren’t you?
You can all read palms
That was long ago
Hardly anyone can today
He can. Tony, there
Show me
What do you see?
Very bad
Come here. I’ll tell you
I live upstairs
You don’t always have to believe in that sort of thing
What did you see?
He hasn’t long to live
I’m going
I want to be alone tonight
You can stay here
I thought you pay us to protect you
Nothing will happen tonight
Good night
Another round
Who’s there?
It’s me
Come in
Get me a woman, okay?
But something with class
What? In broad daylight?
He wants a whore
By all means. Certainly
Tirili, tirila
Shut up
Answer it!
Answer the damn thing
Just a moment
Who is it?
Just a woman?
The killer wants a woman
Okay. Get him one
Wait a minute
I’ll send you Rosa
In half an hour
What am I meant to do?
The killer wants a woman. Okay?
It’s better if you go
than if he blabs to someone else
I’m fond of you
That’s why
Get a move on
Leave that here
Come in
Get undressed
Go to the bathroom
Fortune isn’t always funny
There was a cleaning woman
in Hamburg called Emmy
She was 60 or 65 years old
One day...
on her way home,
it began to pour with rain she goes into a bar
where foreign workers hang out
and she sits down and drinks a cola
suddenly a man asks her...
to dance with him
A really big guy with broad shoulders
she finds him attractive...
...and dances with him
Afterwards he sits down...
...and talks with her
He tells her he doesn’t have a place to stay
So Emmy says he can go to her place
He goes to her place
and he sleeps with her...
and a few days later...
...he suggests they get married
And so they got married
Suddenly Emmy was all young again
From behind, she looked about 30
For six months they lived madly
and were incredibly happy
Life was one round of parties
Then one day
Emmy was found dead, murdered...
...with the marks of a signet ring
on her throat
The police arrested her husband
His name was Ali, and there had
been a letter A on the ring
But he said he had
lots of friends named Ali...
...and they all had a signet ring
They interrogated every Turk
in Hamburg called Ali
A lot had returned to Turkey
and the others didn’t understand
Magdalena Fuller
And what about the money?
You’ll be given, for the third assignment...
...$25,000, as agreed
Everything goes wrong
It won’t work. Something stinks about it
Pull yourself together
I can’t stand the tension
Pull yourself together
I’m not having you ruin everything
Shall we dine out together tomorrow
Wait a moment
Pierre, no! I want to serve you!
I’ll do whatever you want
I’ll kiss your feet, anything
Pierre, Ill kill myself!
No! You can’t leave me! Pierre!
I’ve given you everything!
I’m your slave, Pierre!
You swine!
You swine!
I loved you so much, Pierre
You look good
I’ll pick you up tomorrow
I’ll meet you at the Bologna
Thanks. Keep the change
Hello. Who’s that?
Mother, I’m in Germany
Yes I am. Okay
I’m on the corner. I’ll come by now
Yes of course
Come and see us
Ricky’s here
Why, Ma?
You’ve cut yourself
It’s time you grew up
You’ll stand by me, won’t you, Ma?
Nice place you have here
Your husband has moneyRickey?
Won’t you sit down?
Did you come through the war in one piece?
I’m okay, Mother
My son
Play a game with me
Give me some money!
It’s okay
What are you doing in Germany?
Buisness, Mother
How is your father?
i haven’t seen him for ages
My father lives in a different world
His friends... know...
...are all...
It wasn’t my scene
I must be going now
Ciao, Mother
Oh, Ma!
I still love him
Is that Bohm?
Marquard Bohm?
I want you to keep an eye on my son
His name’s Richard von Rezzori
Two related murders
And on the same day
There’s something fishy here
The Fuller woman said she wanted
to speak with me alone about the gypsy
Chief, that woman sold information
She probably thought the chief could
I’ve appointed a special commisioner
I’m taking the case out of your hands as of now
Thank you, that’s all. You can go
But I’m following a hot lead
If we have to drop the case now...
Okay between us, you can carry on
But I have a responsibility
to the public, too, you understand
Sure, chief. Thanks
There was an elephant... Belgium
Everyone loved it
Especially the kids
But it became quieter and quieter
And one day, it attacked its keeper
It trampled him to death
and smashed up the elephant house
It broke through an iron door
and trumpeted terribly
The police came and the fire departement...
...and shot the elephant dead
The vet said it had been lonely
Will you come to Japan with me?
Japan’s beautiful
We’ll meet on Friday at the station. Okay?
What does this mean?
I’m leaving you
I like him
The killer?
He’s nice
Okay. If you think so
Let me speak with the killer
Rosa von Praunheim
Arabella building. Appartement 226
What about the money?
the key’s at the tobacconist’s
see you next time round
how did you find my adress?
Let me in first
I thought we were meeting at the station
Is this your appartement
Are you Rosa von Praunheim?
Do you really believe
I’d have come to the station?
There’s no labor union for the work I do
If someone rats on me, I’m finished
Hello, Franz
I’m leaving from the main station
There may be trouble
Can you come, please?
Let’s say in an hour, near the lockers
See you
Mrs. von Rezzori, your son’s leaving today
From the station, in an hour
Hands up!
Drop your gun and put your hands up!
the woman is lovely
which one
What’s that?
Which woman?
Oh yes
Are you still in?
Count me out
I’ll see you
Okay wait a moment
You ruin me with that sort of thing
You don’t have to play
I can’t stand the waiting
He’ll come
I want to go home
Shut your trap
These women...
Are you playing or not?
Okay then
I’ll take two
Okay thanks
He’s arrived
The earth is round
No, the earth’s a shere
My God, are you funny
And anyway you are far too thin
Are you a real American?
Americans fuck fantastically
It all began in Germany
Once upon a time, there was a little boy
He flew over the great pond
Damn it
Give that to me! Cheers
It’s okay
I think you’re great somehow
And anyway...
...if you want a fat girl...
...fat ones are a dime a dozen
I just happen to be slim
Shut your trap
Whatever you say
Okay, get out. Go on
We were going to a hotel
Look at me
Be nice to me
Beat it
...then give me some money
A hundred marks, and I’ll get out at once
I’m dead
They were just blanks
I’m in the picture. Thanks
There’s a room reserved for me
What was the name?
Richard Murphy
Oh yes?
That’s right. Room 36
How long will you be staying?
Do you have to know that?
No of course not
Room 36
I’ll carry that myself
He’s arrived
Thank you, Sir
Bring me a bottle of Ballantine’s
Yes, Sir
Put it down there
Something has to happen in this case
Is that clear
Thank you
Have you interrogated the gypsy?
This El Quitano?
We’ve had him shadowed
We’ve interrogated him endlessly
Nothing. Absolutely nothing
Bring him here. It’s ridiculous
This woman Magdalena
Fuller, Sir
That’s right
This Magdalena Fuller...
couldn’t you get anything out of her?
She’s as silent as the grave. Not a word
Strange. Normally, she’s more talkative
Anyway, keep things moving
And that’s an order
I hope I’ve made myself clear
You can go now
The percentage of capital crimes solved in this town... far below the national average
The reputation of the city’s police is at stake
I know, Sir
But the child’s yours!
Does the whole house have to hear?
I’m expecting a baby! I’m expecting a baby!
High time, too
Where are you going?
To the chief
We’ve just come from him
How did it go?
He knows nothing
Don’t let the cat out of the bag
A steak with ketchup and a glass of tomato juice
Come in
Come here
Bring me the wiskey
beat it
yes, sure.I’ll make a note of it
Tony el Quitano
That’s my buisness
Sure it’s always urgent
I’d like a number in Munich
The name is Franz Walsch
W for “war”, A for “Alamo”, L for”Lenin”
S for “Science fiction”, C for “Crime”...
...H for “Hell”
Thanks. I’ll wait
Who’ speaking?
Hi Franz
Richard von Rezzori here
I arrived last night
Sure. I’ll pick you up
See you soon
Were are you taking us
To our old neighborhood
How was it in Vietnam?
Oh Yeah?
Nothing happened here
Nothing ever happens in Germany
I’m rather fond of old Germany, all the same
Nothing changed here
Looks that way
Most of people here have died
Pretty unhealthy area
Just imagine
I lived here 14 years
I thought as much
Mr. von Rezzori and Mr. Walsch
Back from America
No just visiting
remember me to your mother
Come and see us again soon
I will Mrs Lang. You can count on it
I need someone who knows what’s going on, what deals are being made...
...where certain people can be found
There’s only one person who fits the bill
Her name is Magdalena
Where do I find her?
She always hangs around in the same bar selling porn
At the Lola Montez
That’s were Inga sings, too
Which Inga?
Your Inga
Were are you staying?
At the Blue House
If you need anything
Okay. I’m in the picture
Ballantine’s, straight
... without ice
I want to buy some porn
Over there
May I join there
handsome stranger. Sure
Need some information
I have some magazines
Don’t worry. I pay well
Five hundred
I’m looking for a gipsy
Tony el Quitano
Gypsy colony number one
Hangs out in the bar most of the time
There’s only one
Any special characteritics?
He reads people’s palms... a hard drinker... gay...
...keeps two gorillas
That’s enough
And what do you do?
I sing and...
I’m married
To him
We’re very happy together
Who was that?
You wouldn’t understand
You’re gypsies, aren’t you?
You can all read palms
That was long ago
Hardly anyone can today
He can. Tony, there
Show me
What do you see?
Very bad
Come here. I’ll tell you
I live upstairs
You don’t always have to believe in that sort of thing
What did you see?
He hasn’t long to live
I’m going
I want to be alone tonight
You can stay here
I thought you pay us to protect you
Nothing will happen tonight
Good night
Another round
Who’s there?
It’s me
Come in
Get me a woman, okay?
But something with class
What? In broad daylight?
He wants a whore
By all means. Certainly
Tirili, tirila
Shut up
Answer it!
Answer the damn thing
Just a moment
Who is it?
Just a woman?
The killer wants a woman
Okay. Get him one
Wait a minute
I’ll send you Rosa
In half an hour
What am I meant to do?
The killer wants a woman. Okay?
It’s better if you go
than if he blabs to someone else
I’m fond of you
That’s why
Get a move on
Leave that here
Come in
Get undressed
Go to the bathroom
Fortune isn’t always funny
There was a cleaning woman
in Hamburg called Emmy
She was 60 or 65 years old
One day...
on her way home,
it began to pour with rain she goes into a bar
where foreign workers hang out
and she sits down and drinks a cola
suddenly a man asks her...
to dance with him
A really big guy with broad shoulders
she finds him attractive...
...and dances with him
Afterwards he sits down...
...and talks with her
He tells her he doesn’t have a place to stay
So Emmy says he can go to her place
He goes to her place
and he sleeps with her...
and a few days later...
...he suggests they get married
And so they got married
Suddenly Emmy was all young again
From behind, she looked about 30
For six months they lived madly
and were incredibly happy
Life was one round of parties
Then one day
Emmy was found dead, murdered...
...with the marks of a signet ring
on her throat
The police arrested her husband
His name was Ali, and there had
been a letter A on the ring
But he said he had
lots of friends named Ali...
...and they all had a signet ring
They interrogated every Turk
in Hamburg called Ali
A lot had returned to Turkey
and the others didn’t understand
Magdalena Fuller
And what about the money?
You’ll be given, for the third assignment...
...$25,000, as agreed
Everything goes wrong
It won’t work. Something stinks about it
Pull yourself together
I can’t stand the tension
Pull yourself together
I’m not having you ruin everything
Shall we dine out together tomorrow
Wait a moment
Pierre, no! I want to serve you!
I’ll do whatever you want
I’ll kiss your feet, anything
Pierre, Ill kill myself!
No! You can’t leave me! Pierre!
I’ve given you everything!
I’m your slave, Pierre!
You swine!
You swine!
I loved you so much, Pierre
You look good
I’ll pick you up tomorrow
I’ll meet you at the Bologna
Thanks. Keep the change
Hello. Who’s that?
Mother, I’m in Germany
Yes I am. Okay
I’m on the corner. I’ll come by now
Yes of course
Come and see us
Ricky’s here
Why, Ma?
You’ve cut yourself
It’s time you grew up
You’ll stand by me, won’t you, Ma?
Nice place you have here
Your husband has moneyRickey?
Won’t you sit down?
Did you come through the war in one piece?
I’m okay, Mother
My son
Play a game with me
Give me some money!
It’s okay
What are you doing in Germany?
Buisness, Mother
How is your father?
i haven’t seen him for ages
My father lives in a different world
His friends... know...
...are all...
It wasn’t my scene
I must be going now
Ciao, Mother
Oh, Ma!
I still love him
Is that Bohm?
Marquard Bohm?
I want you to keep an eye on my son
His name’s Richard von Rezzori
Two related murders
And on the same day
There’s something fishy here
The Fuller woman said she wanted
to speak with me alone about the gypsy
Chief, that woman sold information
She probably thought the chief could
I’ve appointed a special commisioner
I’m taking the case out of your hands as of now
Thank you, that’s all. You can go
But I’m following a hot lead
If we have to drop the case now...
Okay between us, you can carry on
But I have a responsibility
to the public, too, you understand
Sure, chief. Thanks
There was an elephant... Belgium
Everyone loved it
Especially the kids
But it became quieter and quieter
And one day, it attacked its keeper
It trampled him to death
and smashed up the elephant house
It broke through an iron door
and trumpeted terribly
The police came and the fire departement...
...and shot the elephant dead
The vet said it had been lonely
Will you come to Japan with me?
Japan’s beautiful
We’ll meet on Friday at the station. Okay?
What does this mean?
I’m leaving you
I like him
The killer?
He’s nice
Okay. If you think so
Let me speak with the killer
Rosa von Praunheim
Arabella building. Appartement 226
What about the money?
the key’s at the tobacconist’s
see you next time round
how did you find my adress?
Let me in first
I thought we were meeting at the station
Is this your appartement
Are you Rosa von Praunheim?
Do you really believe
I’d have come to the station?
There’s no labor union for the work I do
If someone rats on me, I’m finished
Hello, Franz
I’m leaving from the main station
There may be trouble
Can you come, please?
Let’s say in an hour, near the lockers
See you
Mrs. von Rezzori, your son’s leaving today
From the station, in an hour
Hands up!
Drop your gun and put your hands up!